Finding Your Voice

Writer Anita Hannig worked with an Author Accelerator certified book coach Kemlo Aki on her latest nonfiction book, The Day I Die: The Untold Story of Assisted Dying in America, which is out now wherever you buy your books.

Which publishing route was taken for this project?

Traditional publishing through Sourcebooks.

What are you most looking forward to in the publication process?

Having people I don’t know read my book.

What are you most proud of in terms of this book’s journey?

That I was able to land an agent and a press for it, and that I got to tell the stories I wanted to tell.

How long did you work with your book coach on this project?

One year.

Was there ever a moment of doubt about the book?

Lots. I still have dark moments now when I think all was for naught if this book won’t be picked up by anyone at the end of the day (because of a lack of publicity and exposure).

What did you do to celebrate the publication of your book?

Not very much, I have a newborn baby so my hands are full at the moment!

What’s next for the book?

I hope to get some media interviews lined up and am waiting for the reviews to trickle in. I am also doing a book tour along the West Coast.

Why would you recommend a book coach to get to this point in the writing journey?

The coaching really helped me transform my academic voice and impulses into literary ones. I was really able to find my voice.

Thank you for sharing your success with us, Anita! Connect with Anita on Twitter or by visiting her website.

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