Finishing Is the Best Part

Author and certified book coach Grace Pelley’s book of poetry is being published, so we sat down with her to hear about and celebrate her experience.

Which publishing route was taken for this project?

Traditional publishing.

What are you most looking forward to in the publication process?

My friends being able to read what I wrote.

What are you most proud of in terms of this book’s journey?

I finished!

Was there ever a moment of doubt about the book?

I debated whether my poetry was worth sharing.

What did you do to celebrate the publication of your book?

My family’s throwing me a party!

What’s next for the book?

My friends get to read it!

What is your favorite passage from the book?

Enduring Rest

I have spent two Septembers

In this room, and I cannot fathom a better

Place to be. At first I was incredulous

And tried to earn this gift,

But then I realized that I could not reject

The Giver of beautiful things:

Flowers of favor,

Diamonds of covenant love,

Fine clothes that mark me as His.

This room has a place

For everything: Love, hurt, dreams, sorrow;

They are no longer falling

On top of me. I can walk away from them all

And rest. All I ever wanted was rest.

My Father’s voice fills

The room, a song for me, the poured-out-upon one:




What are the next steps in your career?

To get more coaching clients.

Thank you for sharing your success with us, Grace!

Learn more about Grace’s book coaching services by visiting her website.

You can also buy A Measured Universe on Amazon!

Want to see your book in readers’ hands like Grace?


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