Moving through Frustration

Writer Rocklyn Grace and her book coach, Shari McGriff, are celebrating the publication of Rocklyn’s dystopian novel, Until I Am Dust.

How were you involved in Rocklyn’s writing process leading up to publication?

Initially, I led a workshop to help plan the book and then reviewed the first ten pages, the completed manuscript, and then the revised manuscript. I also formatted the book and helped her publish it, independently.

What publishing route was taken for this project and why?

Rocklyn had the indie-publishing and self-publishing route all along the way. She's been literally dreaming about this story for a decade, and it was time to write and publish it. She is currently working on the next book in the series.

What are you most proud of in this coaching relationship?

My client took the coaching, even when it was frustrating. We all know that writing a book is hard and emotional, but she kept going, and she kept revising, and she has an impactful book to show for it.

What did you do to celebrate this achievement?

I interviewed her on my podcast.

What’s next for the book?

Rocklyn’s writing the next book in the series.

Why would you recommend a book coach to get to this point in the writing journey?

If you don't know what you need in a novel, then you'll miss vital steps in creating a story that readers will love and want more of!

Congratulations to Shari and Rocklyn!

Purchase Until I Am Dust on Amazon and learn more about Rocklyn Grace’s books on her website.

You can learn more about book coaching and Shari McGriff’s services by visiting her website as well.

Want to see your book in readers’ hands like Rocklyn?


Turning Pain Into Power


Self-Publishing with Confidence