Season 2, Episode 34: ‘So What’ Is the New ‘Why’


Happiest of holidays from all of us here at Mom Writes! We hope you celebrate your butts off with the people you love!

And if you find yourself in need of a little Me Time, feel free to pop in your earbuds, curl into the fetal position and hide under that giant mound of crumpled wrapping paper, and listen to our latest episode.

Kemlo challenges Melanie to dig deeper into her writing by asking herself a question. Surprise! It's not WHY, but SO WHAT. And it's funny how this little twist on the classic WHY can put a fresh spin on how you think.

Mel also laments that she finds herself struggling with the same things over and over. Kemlo assures us that most writers she works with seem to struggle with the same problems again and again. She assures us, it's normal!


Season 2, Episode 35: Writing Rituals


Season 2, Episode 33: The Embarrassing Dramatic Reading Episode!